Monday, September 8, 2008

Pause, Look! Silver Linings Everywhere!

I'm learning to slow down and look around. There is so much to celebrate if I would stop to notice.

This morning, Jaedon woke up, got out of bed, went to the bathroom, and peed (pardon the indelicacy). Some mornings, I would have jumped into the day (to be ahead of him down the stairs and minimise unsupervised "explorations"). This morning, I paused long enough to say "YEAH!!" I remembered the countless mornings that led into afternoons cajoling, begging, bribing, trying anything to get him out of bed. I remembered the nights he would not go into bed without being lifted, and sometimes not even then. With autism, it's so easy to always be working on the next thing, not stopping to celebrate the gain today. So today, my son got out of bed by himself AND took himself to the bathroom AND peed.

The victories of today are reminders that the challenges of today are the victories of tomorrow. I am sooo looking forward to some poop in the toilet!

Speaking of celebrations, I am so grateful for the thoughts, prayers and encouragements from everyone concerning this ambitious birthday present for Jay. As the contributions become tangible, I will let you know how it's going. I did get a $5 gift by paypal and I was really excited. No minimums here! All contributions welcome!